What are the eligibility criteria to become a Banksathi Advisor? Becoming a BankSathi advisor knows no limits. From a housewife to a student or retiree to someone already from a financial background, anyone who wishes to earn extra income without making any investment can become an Advisor. What documents do I need to register on Banksathi? We need minimal documentation from your side and that includes: Aadhar Card | PAN Card | Cancelled Cheque | A Photograph How will I earn via Banksathi? You will earn money in just a matter of lead conversion. Once you have sold the financial product to your customer, the payout will be credited to your account in the minimum time. Are there any Registration & Other Charges for joining Banksathi? Absolutely not. Earning with BankSahi is free of any registration/ Hidden/ Annual charges. How will I receive my earnings? The payout will be credited to your bank account. When can I start selling financial products? All it takes is getting yourself re...
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