Start Your Business with Zero Investment and Earn over ₹1,00,000 Every Month. Provide financial advice and products to the customers and get a fast payout every month.
What are the eligibility criteria to become a Banksathi Advisor?
Becoming a BankSathi advisor knows no limits. From a housewife to a student or retiree to someone already from a financial background, anyone who wishes to earn extra income without making any investment can become an Advisor.
What documents do I need to register on Banksathi?
We need minimal documentation from your side and that includes: Aadhar Card | PAN Card | Cancelled Cheque | A Photograph
We need minimal documentation from your side and that includes: Aadhar Card | PAN Card | Cancelled Cheque | A Photograph
How will I earn via Banksathi?
You will earn money in just a matter of lead conversion. Once you have sold the financial product to your customer, the payout will be credited to your account in the minimum time.
Are there any Registration & Other Charges for joining Banksathi?
Absolutely not. Earning with BankSahi is free of any registration/ Hidden/ Annual charges.
You will earn money in just a matter of lead conversion. Once you have sold the financial product to your customer, the payout will be credited to your account in the minimum time.
Are there any Registration & Other Charges for joining Banksathi?
Absolutely not. Earning with BankSahi is free of any registration/ Hidden/ Annual charges.
How will I receive my earnings?
The payout will be credited to your bank account.
When can I start selling financial products?
All it takes is getting yourself registered before you start with your business. Once you are registered as a BankSathi advisor, you can start selling financial products to customers.
What is the referral amount for BankSathi?
When your friends sign up on the BankSathi app using your referral code, you earn a referral amount of 10% of their earnings.
The payout will be credited to your bank account.
When can I start selling financial products?
All it takes is getting yourself registered before you start with your business. Once you are registered as a BankSathi advisor, you can start selling financial products to customers.
What is the referral amount for BankSathi?
When your friends sign up on the BankSathi app using your referral code, you earn a referral amount of 10% of their earnings.
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