Do bloggers make money?
The same way everyone else does: by offering something of value in exchange for money. ... The type of value your blog has to offer will differ on how you want to monetize your blog. There are five main ways bloggers make money: ads, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, products, and services.
I started blogging 15 years ago while working in an SEO company. I built a blog for each of my 23 clients and watched how sometimes the blog surpassed their main site.
Since then I grew my own blogs, as well as the Elementor blog, which now has over 4M monthly visits.
If you want to grow a blog just to become a known writer or blogger, I would suggest considering other options. When you are building a blog, you need to take care of SEO, keyword research and other elements that have nothing to do with your writing. You should consider writing on other platforms that can give you exposure to their current audience, so you don’t have to build traffic from scratch.
If you want to grow a blog for a business, then the most important thing you should do is WRITE A PLAN.
Make it a simple plan, so it doesn’t confuse you, but in the plan make sure you write the following things:
What is the exact product or service I will focus on in the blog? Let’s say you are a fitness trainer, write out your USP, or Unique Selling Proposition, something like:
This is just an example, but you can see how this template works: “I help X who Y accomplish Z by doing X”
Once you have your USP ready, you are able to continue with the plan that will make you THE world authority on this matter.Decide on a writing schedule you can commit to and write it down. The biggest mistake you can make here is to make an over-commitment. “I will publish every day”… Wait, do you have the time to invest in writing a blog post every day? What are your other responsibilities? If you have a full-time job besides blogging (which I assume you do), then find the exact time to work on your blogging and commit to your writing schedule.
For someone busy, I would suggest half an hour a day, every day, before your kids or spouse wake up.
You also need to commit to your publishing schedule. Publish an article every week by Monday 2PM, for example.Analyze the competition, and write down how you are going to compete with them. You will most likely write a blog that is of a similar format of another blog in your field. That’s why it’s important to take stock of your competitors’ websites, as well as other websites in your field. How are they formatting their content? What is their publishing schedule? You can use tools like Ahrefs to assess which keywords are bringing those sites traffic. Once you figure this out, extrapolate the format your competitors are using, and write down how your own blog posts will look like. How many words, how many images etc.
That’s it regarding the plan. It should have these 3 elements: your USP, your writing schedule and your format for blog posts.
Now, open a Trello board, and designate it for your content ideas. Every time you have an idea for a blog post, write it down on the Trello board under ‘Backlog’. Once you want to start writing, transfer that item into the ‘In Progress’ column.
Finally, and it’s a super important step you shouldn’t skip: find actual people in the same field as you. Meeting people in real life is super important, to make your blog alive. Once you have a community, or even a few friends, who all share a similar area of expertise, it makes growing your blog a lot more fun.
A Good Niche
A Good Blog name
A Good hosting
A Good content
A Good relationship with your audience
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